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Version Control

It is important that all your source code and documents are in version control since one day your computer will break down and that day you will thank yourself having them under version control. There are many other reasons, but that is the day when it really pays off.

Below are instruction for various different purposes.

Personal version control using university ssh servers

This is what you should do for your personal documents, such as CV, job applications, list of publications, love letters etc. that you feel uncomfortable to put on public servers such as GitHub, but that you wish to be safe, versioned and backup.

For that purpose the university ssh servers and Subversion provide suitable tools. First, connect and obtain rights to use these services: "manage your user rights" -> "My user rights" -> "Apply for a new user right" -> Choose student or staff contract -> "IT" -> "Linux Servers". Wait a few minutes and you should access to the servers.

Create personal repository:

$ ssh
$ mkdir svn_repos; cd svn_repos
$ mkdir <personal_dir>
$ svnadmin create /home/<my name>/svn_repos/<personal_dir>

Now the repository is created and you can access it from your personal computer. First take out the repo:

$ cd Work
$ svn co svn+ssh://<my name><my name>/svn_repos/<personal_dir>

Now you have personal repository that is stored and backup in the university system. SVN (Subversion) is pretty similar to Git, but simpler. For example, you don't "push" and "pull", but use "svn commit" to add you changes and "svn update" to update changes to the existing repository.

A Fine SVN BOOK is available here

Research project code and documents in Github

Someone needs to write.